Photos of volunteers during our food distribution for the winter ----->
Welcome to Religious Community Services! A non-profit organization located in the beautiful city of New Bern, NC. We here to change this community one day at time to feed the hungry, put clothes on to the ones who don't. In a time of a strife and divison we aim to be a safehaven. A place for change and for hope. We want to make our community a better place one meal, one shirt, one pants at a time.
<--- Photos of our youth volunteers posing in our soup kitchen!
Religious Community Services is open to volunteers from ages 16 - 75. If you would like to know more please go to contact us and please contact us by filling out the form. We hope you follow us on our facebook or you may go to our contact us section and you will find our phone number, address and form. If you give us a message via our form we will respond in a 24-72 hour time period.